Sunday, July 08, 2007

Solo Flight

Today was my first solo flight as a priest. With multiple clergy, none of us generally has to do it all – we split up the responsibilities, with one presiding and the other preaching. But today, with Susan on vacation, I presided and preached at both the 8:00 and the 10:00 services. I was a little nervous about running the whole show, but did fine. And it felt really good. It gave me a foretaste of what things will be like when I someday have a parish of my own and have to do it all by myself.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done, good and faithful servant. That said: I'm surprised that you, of all people, would be nervous. You were better than "fine" I'm sure -- fabulous, more likely. I could practically *feel* your confidence in the hood you sent me... at least that's what I think it was I was feeling. *wink*