Focusing on the Essentials
21st Sunday
after Pentecost – Proper 25 (Year A)
1 Thessalonians 2.1-8; Matthew 22.34-46
St. Gregory’s, Long
In today’s Gospel reading, we see the temple authorities spinning
out of control, yet again. Last week we heard the Pharisees try to trap Jesus
over the issue if one should pay taxes to the empire. Jesus managed to
side-step that issue in a way that showed that such secular responsibilities
are not antithetical to one’s faith.
Then, in a passage that was not included in the lectionary
this year, the Sadducees try to trap Jesus in a discussion regarding
resurrection. It is alluded to at the beginning of today’s Gospel, and I think
it’s worth taking a brief look at, since it is part of a larger pattern in this
part of Matthew’s Gospel.