Radical Faith in God's Promises
Second Sunday in Lent
(Year B)
Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16; Romans 4.13-25; Mark 8.31-38
St. Gregory’s, Long
During the season of Lent, we make promises to ourselves –
and to God – that we are going to do certain things as Lenten devotions. That
we are going to pray more. That we are going to give some additional money,
maybe even some of our time, to a worthwhile cause. That we might even fast on
occasion. Or we promise that we are not going to do certain things.
Maybe we’re not going to eat meat. Or maybe we’re not going to drink alcohol or
caffeine. Or maybe we’re not going to eat chocolate (heresy!). Or maybe we’re
not going to engage in social media. Those acts we take on, those things that
we are determined to give up, are promises to God. They are meant to be signs
of our devotion to God. But what about God’s promises to us? Even as we are
making promises to God, does God make promises to us in return? And if so, how
do we respond to those promises?