God's Generosity and Abundance
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 12
(Year B)
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Gospel readings for the next five weeks are the “Bread of Life Discourse,”
found in the sixth chapter of the Gospel according to John. In this discourse,
Jesus repeatedly refers to himself as the “bread of life” and provides some
explanation as to what this means. This discourse begins with the famous
feeding of the 5,000 with a mere five loaves of bread and two fish. While Jesus
does not use the term “bread of life” in today’s reading, bread does feature
prominently, setting the stage for the discourse that is to follow. So
important is this particular story that it is the only miracle recorded in all
four Gospels. But while “the Synoptic Gospels call attention to Jesus’
compassion for the crowd, John’s emphasis is on leading the disciples to deeper
belief and recognition of the power of Jesus as the one who brings life to the
world” (Synthesis, Proper 12, July
29, 2018). As the one who provides and indeed is the “bread of life.” This is
particularly emphasized in that John does not call this a miracle, but a
“sign.” An event that reveals something significant about who Jesus is, and in
turn, about who God is.