Sunday, October 21, 2018

Called Not To Be Served, But To Serve

22nd Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 24 (Year B)
Mark 10.35-45
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

When I was a kid, my father was sent overseas twice. When I was in first grade, he was sent to Vietnam, and when I was in fifth grade, he was sent to Okinawa. Whenever he was transferred overseas, my mother, sister, and I would move back to my parents’ home town in Kansas, where the grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins all lived. This way, we had an extensive support system during my father’s absence. What I particularly remember and cherish about this time were big family gatherings for Sunday dinners, as well as for holidays. At such events, like in many larger families, the adults had their own table in the dining room, with the nice dishes and silverware. And then there was the “kiddie table” – card tables in the kitchen or living room, generally set-up with the everyday dishes and silverware. When I was in first grade, this was fine. It was fun to hang out with my cousins at the kiddie table. But when I was in the fifth grade, I really didn’t want to be at the kiddie table. I was among the older of the cousins and didn’t want to be with the “little kids.” I wanted to be at the table with the grown-ups. I wanted to feel special. I just knew that when I finally made it to the grown-up table, it would be glorious!

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Sunday, October 07, 2018

Transforming Relationships

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 22 (Year B)
Genesis 2.18-24; Mark 10.2-16
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

In today’s Gospel, Jesus comes out hitting pretty heavy on the subject of divorce. What he says may seem a little harsh from the perspective of 21st century Americans. After all, in our time, divorce is pretty common. If not divorced ourselves, we all certainly know someone who has been divorced—family, friends, co-workers. While statistics vary, it is commonly cited that 50 percent of marriages in America end in divorce. And some say the rate in California could be even higher. Thank you, Kardashians.

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