Embodying the Word
First Sunday after Christmas
John 1.1-18
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
In this
Christmas season, while we still (hopefully) are basking in the joy of standing
at the foot of the manger with shepherds and animals alike, gazing with
adoration upon a precious child who has just been born, wrapped in strips of
cloth, watched over by Mary and Joseph bursting with love, it can be a little
jarring to shift gears and to try to take in John’s version of what happened in
Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. The Prologue to John’s Gospel bears little
resemblance—actually, no resemblance—to Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth. But
while John’s account may lack a sense of the warm and fuzzy that we so like
this time of year, he makes up for by getting at the true heart of what
Christmas is all about.