Develop an Attitude . . . of Prayer
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost –
Proper 12 (Year C)
18.20-32; Luke 11.1-13
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
One day this past week, during
the morning Groundlings Summer Day Camp staff meeting, Pastor Melinda asked one of the interns
if she would close our meeting with prayer. Before the concluding prayer, the
intern said, “let us be in an attitude of prayer.” Attitude of prayer? In that
moment, the idea of “an attitude of prayer” struck me as a bit odd. Not that it
was a new concept to me. I had heard the phrase before. But at that moment, it
just seemed a little strange for some inexplicable reason.
Now, as I understand it, “attitude
of prayer” implies placing oneself in prayerful position, physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually. To be in a position, a mindset, to be open to
praying. I suppose, in its fullest sense, it would be about being in a position
of being open to praying to God and to receiving whatever God wishes to convey
back during our times of prayer.