Coming Through Our Own Valley of Dry Bones
Fifth Sunday in Lent (Year A)
Ezekiel 37.1-14; John 11.1-45
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook Page (beginning at 17:30)
I’ve said it before,
and I’ll probably say it again—probably many more times in my career—but it
never ceases to amaze me how the designated readings in our Sunday Lectionary so
often fit so well with what we are dealing with personally, as a parish, or as
a nation. Or in this case, as a world.
In this COVID-19
pandemic, we find ourselves in a valley of dry bones, of sorts. A place of
increasing death, both literal and metaphorical. And we find ourselves, along
with Mary and Martha, grieving the losses experienced through this health
crisis. Not just the mounting deaths, but also the loss of our former way of
life as we are forced to find a new way of being while “sheltered in place.” Both
these stories offer lessons for us as we move through our current circumstances.
They offer us glimpses of what may await us on the other side.