It's Not About Us (Individually); It's About Us (Collectively)
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 21 (Year A)
Exodus 17.1-7; Philippians 2.1-13; Matthew 21.23-32
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook Page (beginning at 14:15)
These days it seems like, no matter where you turn, you are going to find people pitted against each other. Each person, each group wanting things there way. We even see this in Scripture.
In our Old Testament reading, we hear part of a larger drama involving the Israelites. Finally free from the tyranny of their Egyptian overlords, they complain against Moses and even against God himself. Why? Because things are not going the way they would like. Things are not going the way they expect. They want to be to their final destination. They want the comforts they once had in Egypt. They want to have food. They want to have water. And they want it all now. They don’t recognize that there is a process. They don’t recognize that what is going on is ultimately for the greater good of the entire community. Being so wrapped up in their own wants and desires, perhaps they don’t want to recognize that it is not about them individually, but about what is best for them collectively.
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