Living into the Mystery of the Trinity
Trinity Sunday (Year B)
Isaiah 6.1-8; Romans 8.12-17; John 3.1-17
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook Page (beginning at 22:25)
Prepare to be baffled! Because, yes, it is Trinity Sunday. That one day a year when we have the opportunity to take a deep dive—or at least attempt to—into one of Christianity’s most important, yet most baffling, doctrines: the Trinity. So, what is the Trinity? First, I will give the obligatory overview, and then attempt to find some way to explore it in hopefully a more understandable way.
According to the doctrine of the Trinity, we believe in one God who is comprised of what theologians rather unfortunately refer to as three “persons.” “Persons” is really a misleading label, as we are not dealing with corporeal humans, Jesus notwithstanding. In actuality, the Greek term that we have translated as “person” is more aptly translated as “being” or “substantive reality.” Or, as applied to the Trinity, “individual reality.” Of course, we know that these three “persons” are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three “persons” are distinct, but at the same time are of one substance or essence or nature. Despite being distinct, each “person” is wholly God. One God in three distinct “persons.” Three “persons,” all the same essence and nature, all the same God.
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