Serving Christ the King
Christ the King – Proper 29A
Matthew 25.31-46
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 25:30)
Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. The last Sunday before we begin a new liturgical year with the start of Advent next Sunday. I always find this time between Christ the King Sunday and the First Sunday of Advent a bit of a theological vortex in which we experience an overlapping—even, a redundancy—in themes. What I mean by this is that Christ the King Sunday and the few weeks leading up to it, focuses on the transition from Jesus public life and ministry to his death and resurrection. Specifically, that in those final few days before the crucifixion, Jesus provides instruction to his disciples regarding the end of the ages and the fulfillment of the kingdom of heaven, which will be ushered in with his return, with the Second Coming. But then, a week later, we begin Advent, with its focus on the coming of Jesus into our midst, starting with his Second Coming, and then culminating with his birth, with his First Coming, at Christmas—a time warp that is a whole other issue. The result is the ending of one liturgical year and the beginning of the next, looping back on itself. Kind of like a theological Groundhog Day. So, in this theological vortex in which we find ourselves, we spend a good amount of time considering the meaning of Christ’s return and what we are to do while we await that joyous event, whenever that may be. Which must mean that the lessons we are to learn this time year, as we end one liturgical year and begin another, are so important to our lives of faith that they bear repeating.
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