Sunday, November 26, 2023

Serving Christ the King

Christ the King – Proper 29A

Matthew 25.31-46

St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 25:30)


Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. The last Sunday before we begin a new liturgical year with the start of Advent next Sunday. I always find this time between Christ the King Sunday and the First Sunday of Advent a bit of a theological vortex in which we experience an overlapping—even, a redundancy—in themes. What I mean by this is that Christ the King Sunday and the few weeks leading up to it, focuses on the transition from Jesus public life and ministry to his death and resurrection. Specifically, that in those final few days before the crucifixion, Jesus provides instruction to his disciples regarding the end of the ages and the fulfillment of the kingdom of heaven, which will be ushered in with his return, with the Second Coming. But then, a week later, we begin Advent, with its focus on the coming of Jesus into our midst, starting with his Second Coming, and then culminating with his birth, with his First Coming, at Christmas—a time warp that is a whole other issue. The result is the ending of one liturgical year and the beginning of the next, looping back on itself. Kind of like a theological Groundhog Day. So, in this theological vortex in which we find ourselves, we spend a good amount of time considering the meaning of Christ’s return and what we are to do while we await that joyous event, whenever that may be. Which must mean that the lessons we are to learn this time year, as we end one liturgical year and begin another, are so important to our lives of faith that they bear repeating.

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Entering into the Joy of Our Master

25th Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 28A

Matthew 25.14-30

St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 24:35)


Today’s parable is really meant to be an extension of last week’s—the parable of the ten bridesmaids. A story to provide further explanation of what was just conveyed. As you will recall, the message of that parable is contained in Jesus’ final statement: “Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour” (Mt 25.13). As I discussed in my sermon last week, there is more to the parable than just the warning to keep awake as the bridesmaids await the coming of the bridegroom—as we await the coming of the Messiah. That parable is also about what the bridesmaids are to do while they wait for the bridegroom. About what we are to do while we await the coming of the Messiah. But then, we need a little more direction as to what that looks like. Enter today’s Gospel lesson.

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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Being Attentive in Our Lives of Faith

24th Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 27A

Matthew 25.1-13

St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 22:20)


Who doesn’t love a wedding? A joyous occasion bringing together two people into a shared life of love for and commitment to one another; in which those being married make their solemn vows to one another in the presence of God and the assembled family and friends. Most certainly cause for great joy and celebration.


While weddings may be joyous occasions, the timing of this story about a wedding banquet may initially seem a little strange. Particularly when you consider where we are in the course of Jesus’ life and ministry. Which makes the telling of this parable all the more significant. Jesus has already made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where he will undergo his Passion. In the Gospel narrative, it is now only two days before the celebration of the Passover. Two days before the Last Supper. Three days before his crucifixion. Jesus is taking advantage of what little time remains to be with his disciples and give them some final instructions and teachings to help get them through what is to come. A key feature of this is foretelling the coming of the Son of Man. Another term for the Messiah. Specifically, discussion of his impending return, following his death and resurrection, of course.

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Sunday, November 05, 2023

Our Family of Saints

All Saints Sunday

Revelation 7.9-17

St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

Live Streamed on Parish Facebook Page (beginning at 21:35)


Today is my first Sunday back following two weeks of vacation; during which I attended what has become the annual “Cousins Weekend.” A gathering of the cousins on my mother’s side of the family that is actually a little more than just a weekend. This year, it happened to be a ten-day weekend. On the last day before returning home, I was sitting in my cousin’s backyard reflecting on the previous week and a half. As I did so, I started seeing similarities between this annual gathering—in its original intent and in what naturally occurs during our time together—and our annual commemoration of All Saints, which we celebrate today. Allow me to explain.

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