Invited Into Spirit and Life
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 16B)
John 6.56-69
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 22:00)
For the last three weeks we have talked about Jesus’ “Bread of Life Discourse.” The overall discourse spans a total of 38 verses. A pretty hefty chunk of scripture. Certainly more than can really be digested at one time—particularly considering that it is the Gospel according to John, which is, in general, very dense theologically. Wisely, the framers of our lectionary chose to divide it up into bite-sized chunks. Each section containing valuable insights into who Jesus is. Each week we have gone deeper and deeper, with Jesus revealing himself first as the Son of Man, then as the bread of life, then as the living bread that came down from heaven, then as the one who gives eternal life.
While we have had the luxury of taking the bread of life imagery in more manageable portions, Jesus’ original audience did not have that option. They had it thrown at them all at once. Like drinking from a firehose. No wonder then, that today, following Jesus’ wrap-up of the “Bread of Life Discourse,” we hear his audiences’ response as being “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” Not, “Good job, Jesus. Great explanation. You really nailed it! Now we totally understand who you are and why you were sent by God.” Instead, it is more along the lines of, “What? What are you talking about? We don’t get it.”
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