What Do You Want Me To Do For You?
23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 25B)
Mark 10.46-52
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 16:00)
In recent weeks, our journey through the Gospel according to Mark has allowed us to accompany Jesus and his disciples on their trek from Galilee to Jerusalem. What will prove to be Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem. Very shortly, in a matter days, Jesus will make his triumphal journey into that city, where he will be hailed as King. The events we have come to know as Palm Sunday. The beginning of Jesus’ Passion, leading to his death and ultimately to his resurrection.
Knowing what awaits him, Jesus takes the opportunity throughout this journey to prepare his disciples. He has told them three times what will happen. Although, they do not quite seem to get it. But then again, who would—who could—fully comprehend such horrific news? They are, understandably, in denial. And yet, Jesus perseveres. Throughout the journey he continues to teach them about what it means to be his followers. Preparing them to take up the mantle of his mission and ministry once he has departed.
On the surface, what we hear in today’s Gospel is just another story of Jesus healing a blind man. We’ve heard so many stories of Jesus healing those who were infirmed. Including other stories of giving sight to the blind. In many ways, it is just more of the same. And yet, occurring where it does, this story contains a deeper meaning, has a deeper significance. You see, today’s Gospel reading is the final story before Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. As such, it is a transition. A gateway, if you will, to what is to happen once Jesus enters the gates of Jerusalem. Before Jesus, through his resurrection, enters the gates of heaven. While there are a few more lessons before that actually happens, today’s story of the healing of Bartimaeus serves as a summary of Jesus’ teachings thus far and provides insight into what is to come. Not for Jesus, but for those who follow him.
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