Reclaiming Our King
Last Sunday after Pentecost – Christ the King (Proper 29B)
John 18.33-37
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach
Live Streamed on Parish Facebook page (beginning at 21:00)
“Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’” This is the first interaction between Jesus and Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, the Emperor’s representative in the far-off land of Palestine. This is the first time Pilate has spoken to Jesus. At this point, Pilate only knows what he has heard from others. Namely, the temple authorities. Prior to this encounter, Pilate and the temple authorities have debated who has jurisdiction over Jesus and his alleged crimes. Pilate views this as a local matter which the temple authorities need to resolve. Wanting to be rid of Jesus, yet not having the authority to issue a direct death sentence, the temple authorities devise a scheme to push Jesus off into Pilate’s jurisdiction. While Pilate’s encounter with temple authorities (before the scene we hear today) does not specifically state as such, the implication based on Pilate’s question of Jesus is that the temple authorities threw down the gauntlet. They said the magic words: “This man claims to be King of the Jews.” This would imply that Jesus is at the very least a rabble-rouse if not an outright insurrectionist. If this allegation is true, then such a claim would be considered an act of treason against the Empire, placing Jesus solidly under Pilate’s jurisdiction.
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