Approximation of the Love of God
In his article “A Question of Relationship” in the April 2005 issue of Washington Window, the Rev. Albert Scariato, M.D. writes:
“Each of us has unique windows, our relationships with other people, created in God’s image, that reveal the love and truth of God that is revealed in Jesus Christ. Those interpersonal relationships, even with all their foibles and frailties, where we encounter love give us an approximation of the love that God has for each and every human being.”
While true for every person in relationship, how much more so for homosexuals in committed relationships. In a world where they are often looked down upon, chastised, vilified, and even condemned, gays and lesbians living in committed relationships find a safe haven from the negativity they experience in other (if not most) areas of their daily lives. As such, what they are able to find in their relationships is total acceptance and freedom to be who they are, without judgment, without condemnation. If that is not “an approximation of the love that God has for each and every human being,” I don’t know what is.
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