Sunday, July 28, 2019

Develop an Attitude . . . of Prayer

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 12 (Year C)
Genesis 18.20-32; Luke 11.1-13
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

One day this past week, during the morning Groundlings Summer Day Camp staff meeting, Pastor Melinda asked one of the interns if she would close our meeting with prayer. Before the concluding prayer, the intern said, “let us be in an attitude of prayer.” Attitude of prayer? In that moment, the idea of “an attitude of prayer” struck me as a bit odd. Not that it was a new concept to me. I had heard the phrase before. But at that moment, it just seemed a little strange for some inexplicable reason.

Now, as I understand it, “attitude of prayer” implies placing oneself in prayerful position, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. To be in a position, a mindset, to be open to praying. I suppose, in its fullest sense, it would be about being in a position of being open to praying to God and to receiving whatever God wishes to convey back during our times of prayer.

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Choosing the "Better Part"

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 11 (Year C)
Luke 10.38-42
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

Like many people, particularly in our success-driven, production-oriented society, today’s Gospel passage makes me a little uncomfortable. At times, I even feel chastised and put down by Jesus’ words to Martha. After all, Martha is my soul sister. I love my to-do lists and even have an app on my phone that allows me to categorize them and sort tasks by due date. And what is even better is that my phone’s to-do app syncs with my work computer, my laptop at home, and my tablet. I can access my to-do list wherever I am, whenever I want. And of course, I love my calendar. In fact, I keep both a digital and a paper version of my calendar. Quirky to have both, but the digital calendar is synced across all my electronic devices so I always have access to it no matter where I am. And the paper calendar provides a kinesthetic aspect that helps me remember my appointments better than just by putting them in my digital calendar. I am super-organized, so I know exactly where everything is (well, most of the time). And I absolutely love reading articles and blogs on productivity and time management in search of that one new gem that will make me even more productive or help me use my time even more efficiently. I tell you, Martha’s got nothing on me. I could run circles around her when it comes to being productive.

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Sunday, July 07, 2019

We are the Seventy

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 9 (Year C)
Luke 10.1-11, 16-20
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

The season after Pentecost is all about growth, as evidenced by the color green—growth of the Church and growth of those of us who follow Jesus. Today’s Gospel reading is a pivotal story about growth, particularly growth of the Church. Of course, throughout his public ministry, Jesus has been traveling through the countryside winning hearts and minds with his message of love and his acts of healing. Growing the Jesus Movement. A little earlier in Luke’s gospel, Jesus sends out the Twelve to expand that work. But in today’s reading, that takes a definite turn, as Jesus seeks to step up his game.

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