Sunday, August 04, 2019

Wealth Management . . . Jesus-Style

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 13 (Year C)
Ecclesiastes 1.2, 12-14, 2.18-23; Colossians 3.1-11; Luke 12.13-21
St. Gregory’s, Long Beach

There he goes again! Telling a parable that makes some of us squirm in our pews.

Jesus is approached be a man in the crowd, wanting him to intervene in a dispute over the family inheritance. Jesus refuses to be drawn into the argument. Instead, he uses the opportunity to warn those gathered about the destructive nature of greed and coveting of material possessions. The story of a rich man who has amassed so much wealth that he needs to tear down his old barns and build newer, bigger ones so that he can store it all. All of this with the intent that he can effectively retire—so he can “relax, eat, drink, [and] be merry.” But before he can begin to enjoy his retirement, his life will be “demanded of him.” In short, he’s going to die. That very night. So much for retirement.

Read more!